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HSW/maws Bug Reports

Date Reported Problem Discussion Date Fixed
6/15/01 The HSWMap has a "feature" in it since we converted over to XIS 1.2. The toolbars are not ones we originally selected.

Submitted by: M. Krueger
To get the original toolbars back, replace lines 209-211 in with:

6/25/01 Symptom: Reversing the calling order for the default and backup maws servers ( at GuideNet, and at APL)causes incorrect server calls resulting in workflow system failure. Severity: Under normal usage this never happens, so it isn't a problem. However, if you are testing out the backup server specifically and alter the run.bat to reflect this, an unexpected error may be caused. Reason for failure: System works correctly if "metoc" is listed as the default server and "ran" as the backup server in the run.bat. Initial characters from the default jws home page are parsed to see if the server is up and performing correctly. If the servers are reversed, then the wrong character stream is used for comparison. Solution: We have discussed a ServerStatusServlet which would return some identifying server string when called. This servlet would always load when the JWS is initialized. Failure of the servlet to return the proper string should cause maws to consider the server as unresponsive and to query an alternative server.

Reported by: Ratliff/Tewson; Submitted by: K. Kerr
Not fixed as of 06.25.01 -- Since the fault only occurs when developers are playing with the system, I think we'll defer fixing this until the ServerStatusServlet is completed (should be soon).

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