Weather Forecasting

This Weather Forecasting section of the HSMETOC Web Site is a portal for applied research geared to operational weather forecasters and scientists with similar research concerns. Specific areas of interest include the study of workflow and its automation, weather visualization, and the impact of uncertainty on weather forecasting.

During the process of the research , tools may be generated that could prove useful to operational forecasters. These are available via the Forecast Tools section.

An additional concern is the training of forecasters, especially in automation and uncertainty. The Training section is an information source for training that was found to be useful and/or was produced at the Applied Physics Laboratory, University of Washington.


Workflow is a holistic approach to understanding the accomplishment of complex tasks by studying the cognitive processes, the tools used, and the information required. For example, researchers studied the task of producing a high seas analysis that resulted in a computer-aided decision tool, which automated some of the routine aspects of the task.

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FDO Work Space

Forecast Tools

AG Observer

Uncertainty in Forecasting

Examples of Visualizing Uncertainty

FNMOC Temperature Ensemble Product

NCEP Precipitation Ensemble Product

Site for current mesoscale ensemble forcast products: More (>>> )

University of Washington MM5 Mesoscale Short-Range Ensemble Forecasts: Multiple 48-hour forecasts of U.S. Pacific Northwest weather by the non-hydrostatic Penn State/NCAR mesoscale model (MM5) are produced once per day at the University of Washington.

This website developed by the Applied Physics Laboratory, University of Washington.
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